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work hard. play hard. play safe.

Its no secret that some people indulge in substances and habits that society has labeled as bad or even dangerous. We believe that while the danger may be real, it can be minimized through diligence and communication. In an ever changing world, new and more potent drugs are now a threat to unsuspecting victims. Education and preparation are key to most emergency situations. Drug use and risks associated with their use can be mitigated through test kits, and in emergency situations, particularly in response to the fetyanyl epidemic taking countless unsuspecting lives new methods are being developed and education in the rave community has been a huge success in my eyes to a growing problem.

Rave related resources for partying smarter

Rather than judge and condemn, the rave community chooses to accept and to support. We can all- always be better. And together with the right connections and intentions we will be. Here is a few resources for information regarding partying and how do keep raving until we hit the grave. not make raving be the reason we do. 


I can't tell you how happy I am to see booths for end overdose at festivals and now even smaller events. providing education training in identifying victims of an opiate overdose, these classes are short, but very informative. after completing a short training course, you are given a card which you can present and pick up narcan whenever they are handing them out. this few minute course could save a life. I encourage everyone to do take it. 


END OVERDOSE official site:


Official .gov website with resources on FENTANYL:


info on where to get naloxone:


find a mailing distributor near you online:

test kits

I as most find it strange that in the state of california it is legal to give out narcan to reverse the effects of an opiate overdose, but that it is illegal to give away fentanyl test strips to the public, but that is how it stands as of now. I would check other states for their specific laws regarding this. you can purchase test kits online and have them discretely sent to your home. 


Fentanyl test strip information and information:



video of how to properly test for fentanyl:


facts about partying

everyone knows the "8" glasses of water suggestion, but what about when your raving in the sun until the next morning dancing for 12 hours? here are some facts related to the body you may want to consider.


an information website about the risks associated with drinking and partying:



national institute of health website with information about alcohols effect on the body:



DEA website regarding Ketamine and its effects:



information on ecstasy (MDMA) 



information about the effects of L.S.D. 



resources to quit, & for sober ravers

Contrary to the notion that everyone is on drugs- many ravers are sober and even more have chosen to stay sober after partying. raves really do have one of the widest spectrums of people I have ever experienced. here are some resources for ravers who might fit these descriptions


Sober ravers offical Facebook page:


older article on the rise of sober ravers and events:


Never Use Alone: this site is a great resource for staying safe while using or under the influence of drugs. using any substance can have risks. using alone increases these risks. this source allows a person to inform someone of what substance and to remain in contact with the individual in case something goes wrong. with the agency member able to relay information to emergency services if needed.




raver suggestions

the information below is gathered from suggestions from friends and peers. it should not be taken as medical suggestions. love yourself and respect the people around you by being informed if you ever decide to consider indulging in any substances. 



Supplements for Rolling:


Rave Doctor - take 3 pills every day starting 3 days before, every day during the event, and for 3 days after. Don’t take within 8 hours of rolling (take first thing in the AM)

$25.99 on Amazon for a bottle. A bottle lasts 2 of us between 1-2 festivals. 


Vitamin C - take every day that we take rave doctor. 1000mg


Magnesium - take every day leading up to and during rolling. 500mg. Not everyone likes it but we don’t have any stomach issues from it and it helps the clenching a lot. 


Goldenseal / Echinacea - take every day leading up to and during the festival (immune system support!) 900mg 


Stasis or Recoup - these are multi-supplements designed for before and after taking stimulants. They are made for people with ADHD to take with adderall, but work great with all stimulants. We take them daily both before and after rolling on the days we roll (they come in a before and an after bottle and each one has different supplements designed for either before or after)


Ginger Root Extract - this is only Alice who takes this. 2000mg 4 hours before rolling and then another 1000mg 1 hour before rolling. No nausea! If any of you get nauseous this is a game changer. 


RAVERAIDE - it’s a hydration stick that also has supplements and neuroprotectants and is designed specifically by ravers for ravers. We drink it before and after every festival day. You put a stick of it in water. Like SUPER liquid in. You can buy a bag of 16 or 30. It has a TON of good stuff in it and you feel better immediately. (We also drink it when we’re hungover 🤣)

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